Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Hammerhead Shark – A Role Model for your Business

The hammerhead shark is one of the most unique creatures in the ocean. One feature that sets it apart, aside from its unique shape, is the fact that it can never stop swimming. If a hammerhead shark stops swimming, it suffocates and dies. Now, I’m not sure why this happens, but the fact remains the same: If it is not constantly moving forward, a hammerhead shark will die.  Your business needs to be like the hammerhead shark.

This is a very important lesson to learn, and learn early. Every external force surrounding your business is in constant motion. Your market, your competitors, and your customers are always moving and changing. Your business should be constantly looking for new and unique ways to innovate to match these forces. Brainstorming should be a daily activity and there should be an emphasis on exploring the unknown. When you find yourself a successful project or endeavor you should try to improve upon it.

A classic example of this is Apple. Every year they release a new product and most of the time they are already working on improving the product before they release it. The iPhone 5 just came out and I guarantee they are thinking about the iPhone 5s or 6. Being in constant motion ensures maneuverability to adjust to changes in the marketplace and prevents your customers from leaving you for the newest and shiniest thing.

Be a Hammerhead Shark.

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