Monday, September 2, 2013

Social Media Marketing Should Be a Group Effort

Social media marketing for a small business, or any business really, should not be a one person job. If you think about it, there is a reason that larger corporations have a team that handles their social media. It’s not just because there is more volume, although that is a reason, it is because the more people contributing to a social media strategy the better, and more successful, it will be. There are several reasons why it is best to have many people involved in a social media campaign.

The first reason is pretty obvious: The more hands involved, the more work you can get done. If a big part of your strategy is to create content, or go out and curate content, it is easier to get greater amounts of good “stuff” if you have more people involved. If you tell your employees to keep their eyes out for any interesting articles they might find, or write down any ideas they have for a post, you significantly increase the likelihood of finding great content to share with others.

Another great reason, for having your staff involved in the content creation process, is that it encourages them to share and promote your pages. If they are active in the process, and they feel a sense of responsibility over the content on the pages, they’ll be encouraged to further the cause by sharing with their friends.

The final reason, that is equally beneficial, although maybe less obvious, is the idea that every person looks at every situation with a different perspective. There are those that view things has “cups half full”, or the less popular group of people that view everything as “cup half empty”.  There are people of different races, or religions, or financial standings, and all of this contributes to a perspective that is totally unique from your own. By allowing these people to contribute to your content stream you’ll find that there are great articles, and ideas, out there that you’ve never thought of. You’ll see that there are many different sides to different problems and you’ll not only be able to learn something yourself, but you’ll be able to share that insight with your followers.

Now, none of these things are especially profound or unheard of, but they tend to be things that marketing managers, CEO’s, or even the social media marketers themselves don’t recognize. Everyone seems to think that having one guy off in the corner “doing social media” will take full advantage of the marketing medium. That’s not the case. You need to collaborate, share, gain a new perspective, and have some fun with it.

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