Tuesday, September 17, 2013

How To Fill Your Blog When You've Hit the Creative Wall

One of the issues many people have with blogging is they don’t know how they’ll be able to find things to write about on a regular basis. This gets even harder when you choose a specific theme or direction for your blog. The first thing to realize is that there is always something to write about. If you REALLY think about it, unless you focus your blog on something unnecessarily specific like “Eastern European World Leaders from 1834-1836”, you should be able to find something to write about. There are always different angles or perspectives with which to approach your subject.

Having said all that, there are those times where your mind just can’t work out a subject to blog about. That’s fine, it happens to the best of us. When this happens there are several ways that you continue to get content up on your site until your juices start flowing again.
  1. Have a backup stash
    This is a great tip for those that find they have times of creative feast or famine. When you are in a mindset where your ideas are overflowing, it would be a good idea to write down EVERY idea that comes to your mind. Put down on paper anything and everything that comes to your mind, even if it is just a word that you’d like to explore.  Then, hide that paper and save it for when you run dry of ideas. It is important that you don’t pull that out until you’ve exhausted all of your other options.
  2. Find a guest blogger
    If you just can’t think of something to write about then try to find someone that can. Most of the time there are other people out there that are interested in the things you are, and a lot of the time you can find one that has something to say. My guess is, if you are passionate about something enough to blog about it regularly, you are probably aware of others in the same circle that could help you out.
  3. Write about not knowing what to write about
    Sometimes what works best is to just get the block out of your system by addressing it head on. Write a post about how you are struggling with finding new and exciting things to write about. Write about how you know there is more, but your mind is totally blocking you from thinking of the ideas you need. You’ll tend to find that addressing the problem will help you move past it. Also, if you have some supportive followers, they might suggest new topics.
  4. Look at other blogs for inspiration
    It’s not doubt that if you are a blogger you probably read other blogs to stay current on the latest news and info. If you find yourself getting stuck, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to spend extra time reading through other blogs and see if an idea hits you. Often spending time reading other people’s views on your subject will spark an idea, or opinion from you.
  5. Review blog-related items
    This is perhaps the easiest thing to do if all of these ideas fail to generate content. The idea is centered on writing a review of a book, or website, or iPad app, or anything you can find that is focused on your subject of choice. For example, if you write a photography blog, you could write a brief review of any one of the photography books, photo editing software, or photo tutorial websites you come across. Depending on how specific your blog is, you should have little to no trouble finding something to review.
Fighting through these times can be difficult, but having some contingency plans can make the lulls easier.

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